Dus Tola is an upcoming Hindi film. The film stars Manoj Bajpai and Aarti Chhabria in lead roles. The movie also stars debutant Pallavi Sharda, Asrani, Ninad Kamat, Asif Basra, Govind Namdeo and Bijendra Kala. The music of this film is by Sandesh Shandilya. The film is supposed to be released on October 22, 2010.
Free Direct MP3 Links! To Download Dus Tola Songs,
Right Click and choose 'Save Target As'. Enjoy!~~::Track List::~~
1. Aisa Hota Tha - Mohit Chauhan
2. Lal Lal Aag Hua - Sukhwinder Singh
3. Tumse Kya Kehna - Sonu Nigam
4. Jee Na Jalaiyo (Female) - Sunidhi Chauhan
5. Jee Na Jalaiyo (Male) - Sukhwinder Singh
2. Lal Lal Aag Hua - Sukhwinder Singh
3. Tumse Kya Kehna - Sonu Nigam
4. Jee Na Jalaiyo (Female) - Sunidhi Chauhan
5. Jee Na Jalaiyo (Male) - Sukhwinder Singh
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